Dynamic Chiropractic AD

Most of your patients are consuming synthetic vitamins and industrially-processed rocks for nutrients, shouldn’t they get 100% food nutrients from you?

Yes, it is true!
of supplements consumed in the USA include synthetic vitamins and/or inorganic mineral salts.

Nutrients in foods, however, are superior to those and are better for supporting optimal health.

DOCTORS’ RESEARCH, Inc. has been distributing 100% food nutrient supplements to health care professionals since 1998.

Are you looking for a supplement supplier that:

  • Provides 100% food nutrient supplements
  • Has vegan and glandular products intended for health care professionals
  • Only supplies glandulars from New Zealand, Australia, and Argentina
  • Supplies vegan capsules for non-tableted, non-oil products
  • Never has any pork or shellfish in distributed products
  • Supplies products from a Kosher/Halal certified facility

If so, you should contact DOCTORS’ RESEARCH, Inc.
We can also supply you a FREE catalog with a ‘Chiro-Nutrition Chart.’

DOCTORS’ RESEARCH, Inc. would like to announce that we have a team of independent men and women, across the USA, who can assist you with nutritional education.

Adam Davis of Midwest Functional Medicine:
PH: 585-683-3048
Email: adamjdavis13@yahoo.com
Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Nebraska

Audrey Taylor of Clinical Nutrition Services:
PH: 615-830-8732
Email: audrey@clinicalnutritionservices.net
Alabama, Kentucky, and Mississippi

Ben Viola of Integrative Solutions of America:
PH: 617-469-1197 
Email: ben@integrativesolutionsoa.com
Massachusetts, Rhode Island

Bethany Lafferty of Vitae Wellness Solutions:
PH: 425-405-5783
Email: vitaewellnesssolutions@gmail.com
Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia

Chris (DC) & Melissa (ACN) Taylor of Whole Food Practice:
PH: 801-432-8869
Email: support@wholefoodpractice.com
Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming

Chris Lippe of Functional Health and Longevity:
PH: 951-640-8092
Email: csl4health@gmail.com
Arizona and Southern California

Chris Burdick of Complete Wellness:
PH: 231-342-1321
Email: Chris@compwellnessllc.com
Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio

Curt Hamilton of Hamilton Colt:
PH: 214-995-9917
Email: curt.fmc@gmail.com
Arkansas, Tennessee, and Northern Texas

Dory Lewis of Vital Health Resources:
PH: 864-735-8545
Email: dorylewis@me.com
North Carolina and South Carolina

Frank Wolfe of USAonlinehealth:
PH: 610-806-3249
Email: fwolfe@usaonlinehealth.com
New Jersey and West Virginia

Jeffrey Smith (DC) of Comprehensive Integrative Wellness:
PH: 585-233-7331
Email: jeffreysmithdc@gmail.com
New York (except metro-NYC) and Pennsylvania

Jerry Morrison of Functional Medicine Consultants of Texas:
PH: 832-928-8888
Email: holisticwellness@mac.com
Louisiana and Southern & Central Texas

Jim Hassett of Solely Practitioner:
PH: 805-660-7443
Email: jimhassett@gmail.com Southern California and Las Vegas

Justin Toal of Aduco:
PH: 800-662-9134
Email: justin@aduco.com
Northern California and various other locations

Kristina Ginn of Midwest Practice Solutions:
PH: 314-518-9002
Email: kristina@mwps.life
Minnesota, Missouri and Iowa

Lewis Ruffner of New England Nutritional Services:
PH: 603-686-1343 
Email: nenutrition@comcast.net
Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont

Lisa Moore of Holistic Practitioner Network:
PH: 646-468-9821
Email: lisa@holisticpractitionernetwork.com
Metropolitan New York City region and Connecticut

Liz Crowley of Wellness Journey:
PH: 561-654-4036
Email: wellnessjourney4you@gmail.com Florida

Rich Laurino (DC) of Laurino Wellness:
PH: 443-243-3888
Email: laurinowellness@gmail.com
Delaware, District of Columbia, and Maryland

AD – Adam Davis

of Midwest Functional Medicine:
Phone: 585-683-3048
Email: adamjdavis13@yahoo.com
KS  •  MO •  ND •  NE •  OK •  SD


of Clinical Nutrition Services:
Phone:  615-830-8732
Email: audrey@clinicalnutritionservices.net
AL  •  GA  •  KY  •  MS

of Integrative Solutions of America:
Phone:  617-469-1197 
Email: ben@integrativesolutionsoa.com
MA  •  RI

of Vitae Wellness Solutions:
Phone:  425-405-5783
Email: vitaewellnesssolutions@gmail.com
AK  •  HI  •  OR  •  WA  •  BC

of Whole Food Practice:
Phone:  801-432-8869
Email: support@wholefoodpractice.com
CO  •  ID  •  MT  •  UT  •  WY

of Complete Wellness:
Phone:  231-342-1321
Email: Chris@compwellnessllc.com
IL  •  IN  •  MI  •  OH

RICH LAURINO of Laurino Wellness:
Phone:  443-243-3888
Email: laurinowellness@gmail.com
DC  •  DE  •  MD  •  VA


of Functional Health and Longevity:
Phone:  951-640-8092
Email: csl4health@gmail.com
AZ  •  Southern CA


of Hamilton Colt:
Phone:  214-995-9917
Email: curt.fmc@gmail.com
AR  •  TN  •  Northern TX

of USAonlinehealth:
Phone:  610-806-3249
Email: fwolfe@usaonlinehealth.com
NJ  •  WV

of Vital Health Resources:
Phone:  864-735-8545
Email: dorylewis@me.com

of Comprehensive Integrative Wellness:
Phone:  585-233-7331
Email: jeffreysmithdc@gmail.com
PA  •  Upstate NY

of Functional Medicine Consultants of Texas:
Phone:  832-928-8888
Email: holisticwellness@mac.com
Central & Southern TX  •  LA


of Solely Practitioner:
Phone:  805-660-7443
Email: jimhassett@gmail.com
Southern CA  •  Las Vegas, NV


of Aduco:
Phone:  800-662-9134
Email: justin@aduco.com
Northern CA  •  NV

of Midwest Practice Solutions:
Phone:  314-518-9002
Email: kristina@mwps.life
IA  •  MN  •  MO  •  WI

of New England Nutritional Services:
Phone:  603-686-1343
Email: nenutrition@comcast.net
ME  •  NH  •  VT

of Holistic Practitioner Network:
Phone:  646-468-9821
Email: lisa@holisticpractitionernetwork.com
CT  •  Metro NY

 of Wellness Journey:
Phone:  561-654-4036
Email: wellnessjourney4you@gmail.com

ADAM DAVIS of Midwest Functional Medicine:
PH: 585-683-3048
Email: adamjdavis13@yahoo.com
KS  •  MO •  ND •  NE •  OK •  SD

AUDREY TAYLOR of Clinical Nutrition Services:
PH: 615-830-8732
Email: audrey@clinicalnutritionservices.net
AL  •  GA  •  KY  •  MS

BEN VIOLA of Integrative Solutions of America:
PH: 617-469-1197 
Email: ben@integrativesolutionsoa.com
MA  •  RI

BETHANY LAFFERTY of Vitae Wellness Solutions:
PH: 425-405-5783
Email: vitaewellnesssolutions@gmail.com

CHRIS & MELISSA TAYLOR of Whole Food Practice:
PH: 801-432-8869
Email: support@wholefoodpractice.com
CO  •  ID  •  MT  •  UT  •  WY

CHRIS BURDICK of Complete Wellness:
PH: 231-342-1321
Email: Chris@compwellnessllc.com
IL  •  IN  •  MI  •  OH

CHRIS LIPPE of Functional Health and Longevity:
PH: 951-640-8092
Email: csl4health@gmail.com
AZ  •  Southern CA

CURT HAMILTON of Hamilton Colt:
PH: 214-995-9917
Email: curt.fmc@gmail.com
AR  •  TN  •  Northern TX

DORY LEWIS of Vital Health Resources:
PH: 864-735-8545
Email: dorylewis@me.com

FRANK WOLFE of USAonlinehealth:
PH: 610-806-3249
Email: fwolfe@usaonlinehealth.com
NJ  •  WV

JEFFREY SMITH of Comprehensive Integrative Wellness:
PH: 585-233-7331
Email: jeffreysmithdc@gmail.com
PA  •  Upstate NY

JERRY MORRISON of Functional Medicine Consultants of Texas:
PH: 832-928-8888
Email: holisticwellness@mac.com
Central & Southern TX  •  LA

JIM HASSETT of Solely Practitioner:
PH: 805-660-7443
Email: jimhassett@gmail.com
Southern CA  •  Las Vegas, NV

PH: 800-662-9134
Email: justin@aduco.com
Northern CA  •  NV

KRISTINA GINN of Midwest Practice Solutions:
PH: 314-518-9002
Email: kristina@mwps.life
IA  •  MN  •  MO  •  WI

LEWIS RUFFNER of New England Nutritional Services:
PH: 603-686-1343
Email: nenutrition@comcast.net
ME  •  NH  •  VT

LISA MOORE of Holistic Practitioner Network:
PH: 646-468-9821
Email: lisa@holisticpractitionernetwork.com
CT  •  Metro NY

LIZ CROWLEY of Wellness Journey:
PH: 561-654-4036
Email: wellnessjourney4you@gmail.com

RICH LAURINO of Laurino Wellness:
PH: 443-243-3888
Email: laurinowellness@gmail.com
DC  •  DE  •  MD  •  VA

This site provides information for doctors and health care professionals and is not intended for use by consumer. 

Photos and Images are all used by permission from Pixabay.com & Pexels.com except for those that are Owned and Copyrighted by Doctors’ Research, Inc.

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Arginase Bladder™– Nutritional Support for Urine Metabolism and Bladder

Arginase Bladder™– Nutritional Support for Urine Metabolism and Bladder

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com​

Urination is something many people think little about unless something goes wrong.  From excessive urination to nocturnal enuresis to urinary tract infections to urinary incontinence, urinary issues are problems for many.

Most people do not realize that in order to produce urine, the body processes liquids into an intermediate stage which is high in the amino acid called arginine. Normally the liver produces enough of the enzyme arginase to convert and concentrate this liquid into urea (urine) [1]. When it does not, however, in some people this seems to cause the body to try to expel this high arginine liquid excessively, both day and night.

Decades ago a nutrition-based biological process was developed to assist the body with this aspect of urine metabolism . And now, there is actually one and only one 100% food product that utilizes this special biological process without any USP “nutrients” called Arginase Bladder. Arginase bladder is a 100% Food supplement that is intended to supply nutrients to support healthy kidney and bladder function. The kidneys process proteins and liquids and are the primary organs involved in eliminating metabolic waste products from the blood. Arginase Bladder is intended to support the cleansing ability of the kidneys.  It has been written that this type of product is indicated sometimes when there is “[p]ain in area of kidneys or bladder (may radiate through dorsal region to liver area) burning on urination; uremia, uriniferous odor of breath, itching of skin from “salty” (residue) perspiration; edema; ascites, dropsy, etc.; toxemia, body odor, pasty skin, biliousness; liver disease, enlargement, diminished urination, veinous congestion, etc”.a valuable adjunct in all problems involving the liver and kidneys, particularly where this is evidenced by systemic manifestations involving the detoxification mechanisms and fluid balance” [2].

It is a scientific fact that, “Arginase hydrolyzes arginine to urea”. In addition to raising serum arginine levels, arginase deficiency can lead to raised ammonia levels [3]. Arginase is produced in the liver [1,3].

Arginase Bladder contains ingredients which have been used to nutritionally support the bladder and various aspects of urine metabolism. 

Acerola Cherry is one of the most vitamin C dense foods [4]. Arginase is activated by vitamin C [5]. One study found that vitamin C taken prophylactically by pregnant and nursing mothers could reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections [6]. 

Beet and rice specially processed with Rhizopus oryzae and Tillandsia usneoides has long been used to support, “Intermediate processes involving urea metabolism which support liver and kidney function where toxic overload places stress on these organs” [2]. Many decades ago, Royal Lee, Bill Hansen, and David Roderick worked together. A special type of biological process for urinary support was developed around that time that David”s son Steven Roderick uses for Arginase Bladder. Beets themselves have long been used for kidney and bladder disorders [7].

Bovine kidney supplies kidney tissue. Kidney tissue naturally contains kidney enzymes, proteins, and other peptides needed for proper renal function. “The kidneys perform their most important functions by filtering the plasma and removing substances from the filtrate at a variable rate, depending upon the needs of the body. Ultimately, the kidneys “clear” unwanted substances from the filtrate (and therefore from the blood) by excreting them in the urine while returning substances that are needed back to the blood”Urine formation begins with filtration of large amounts of fluid through the glomerular capillaries into Bowman”s capsule”The kidney conserves water by excreting a concentrated urine” [8]. Helping concentrate urine also reduces the possibility of urinary tract infections, and reduces extra trips to the restroom. Kidney tissue is recommended for urinary tract infections and to strengthen the kidneys [9]. 

Bovine liver supplies liver tissue. Bovine liver tissue contains the substances naturally found in the liver, like arginase [1]. In order to convert the high arginine intermediate substrate into urea and orthinine, the body uses the enzyme arginase. “The liver has the greatest amount of this enzyme, and accounts for the majority of urea synthesis”[a] small amount is carried out by the kidney and brain”the hydrolysis of arginine to urea and orthinine makes possible the urea cycle” [1]. An excess accumulation of arginine (due to insufficient arginase) contributes to excessively frequent urination (as the body tries to flush this diluted semi-urine out) and increases in urinary tract infections (as this less concentrated semi-urine is a less hostile environment for pathogens than concentrated urine is). “The liver is well known for its ability to detoxify or excrete”many drugs”hormones” and other substances” [8]. The liver tissue found in Uro-Kid Supportis from New Zealand.

Buckwheat juice and seed has long been used as part of nutrition to support the intermediate processes involving urea metabolism and “support liver and kidney function where toxic overload places stress on these organs” [2]. “A 20% drop in systolic level is not unusual in the initial stages, progressively lowering under long term use. Importance of protracted treatment should be stressed” [10]. Though most often recommended for capillary and venous health (i.e. bruising, varicose veins) [10,11], naturopaths, chiropractors, and holistic doctors have long recommended its leaves or its immune supporting components in products to fight viral and bacterial infections [9,12,13]. In addition to containing chlorophyll, presumably active components include rutin, quercitin, and hyperoside [11] (it also contains other semi-unique Food substances that may be actively needed). It should be noted that, despite its name, buckwheat is not taxonomically related to wheat, and is often used in gluten-free, wheat-free diets [14]. 

Carrots are probably the highest concentrated Food source of the vitamin A precursor beta carotene. “Scientists in India have discovered that carrots afford significant protection for the liver” as carrots contain substances which “increase the activity of several enzymes that speed up detoxification of the liver and other organs” [15]. Carrots appear to have some bladder protection benefits [16].

Goat bladder supplies bladder tissue. Bladder tissue naturally contains the peptides and enzymes that the bladder needs for nutritional support. “The urinary bladder”is a smooth muscle chamber composed of two main parts: (1) the body, which is the major part of the bladder in which urine collects, and (2) the neck, which is a funnel-shaped extension of the body”connecting with the urethra”sensory fibers detect the degree of stretch in the bladder wall. Stretch signals from the posterior urethra are especially strong and are mainly responsible for bladder emptying” [8]. 

Peas have been shown to contain a substance that has “arginine decarboxylase (ADC) activity” [17]. This means that it can help break carbon away from arginine [1,8]. Peas have long been part of arginase related products [i.e. 2]. 

People simply take 100% Food Arginase Bladder to feel better.


[1] Bondy PK, Rosenberg LE. Duncan”s Diseases of Metabolism, 7th ed. W.B. Saunders Co., Phil., 1974
[2] Lee R. Arginex. In Product Bulletins, circa 1950
[3] Iyer R, Jenkinson CP, Vockley JG, Kern RM, Grody WW, Cederbaum S. The human arginases and arginase deficiency. J Inherit Metab Dis. 1998;21 Suppl 1:86-100
[4] Hendler SS, Rorvik D, eds. PDR for Nutritional Supplements. Medical Economics, Montvale (NJ), 2001
[5] Ruskin SL High Dosage Vitamin C in Allergy. Am J Dig Dis. 1945;12(9):281-313
[6] Ochoa-Brust GJ, Fern”ndez AR, Villanueva-Ruiz GJ, Velasco R, Trujillo-Hern”ndez B, V”squez C. Daily intake of 100 mg ascorbic acid as urinary tract infection prophylactic agent during pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2007;86(7):783-787
[7] Ingram C. Super-Market Remedies. Knowledge House, Buffalo Grove (IL), 1998, p. 82
[8] Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th ed. WB Saunders, Phil., 1996
[9] Balch JF, Balch PA. Prescription for a Nutritional Healing, 2nd ed. Avery Publishing, Garden City Park (NJ), 1997
[10] Lee R. Cyruta. In Product Bulletins, circa 1950
[11] Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, eds. PDR for Herbal Medicine, 4th ed. Thompson PDR, Montvale (NJ), 2007
[12] Thiel R. Serious Nutrition for Health Care Professionals, 2n ed. Center for Natural Health Research, Arroyo Grande (CA), 1996
[13] Versendaal DA. Contract Reflex Assessment and Applied Trophology. Dr. D.A. Versendaal, Holland (MI), 1990
[14] Hafstrom I, Ringertz B, Spangberg A, et al, A Vegan Diet Free of Gluten Improves the Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Effects on Arthritis Correlate With a Reduction in Antibodies to Food Antigens. Rheumatology, 2001;40:1175-1179
[15] Duke JA. The Green Pharmacy. Rodale Press, Emmaus (PA), 1997
[16] Mettlin C, Graham S. Dietary risk factors in human bladder cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 1979;110(3):255-263
[17] Perez-Amador MA, Carbonell J. Arginine Decarboxylase and Putrescine Oxidase in Ovaries of Pisum sativum L. Changes during Ovary Senescence and Early Stages of Fruit Development). Plant Physiol. 1995 Mar;107(3):865-872

Some of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review standards (though most do). Therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All products distributed by Doctors” Research, Inc. are nutritional and are not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition.

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Arginase Bladder™

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•  Photos and Images are all used by permission from Pixabay.com & Pexels.com except for those that are Owned and Copyrighted by Doctors Research, Inc.

Biofilm: What is it? Can enzymes or herbs help?

Biofilm: What is it? Can enzymes or herbs help?

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com​

“Microorganisms attach to surfaces and develop biofilms … Biofilms have great importance for public health because of their role in certain infectious diseases and importance in a variety of device-related infections. A greater understanding of biofilm processes should lead to novel, effective control strategies for biofilm control and a resulting improvement in patient management …A biofilm is an assemblage of surface-associated microbial cells that is enclosed in an extracellular polymeric substance matrix … Several studies have shown that treatment of adsorbed cells with proteolytic enzymes caused a marked release of attached bacteria” [1].

“Biofilm accounts for 65-80 % of microbial infections in humans” [2].

“Candida albicans … cells proliferate in a planktonic (suspension) state, but they also form biofilms, organized and tightly packed communities of cells attached to a solid surface. Biofilms colonize many niches of the human body and persist on implanted medical devices, where they are a major source of new C. albicans infections” [3].

“Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most important causes of morbidity and health care spending affecting persons of all ages. Bacterial biofilms play an important role in UTIs, responsible for persistent infections leading to recurrences and relapses” [4].

Betagluconase is an enzyme that breaks down beta-glucans, a substance that has been implicated with bacterial caused biofilm plaque [5]. Furthermore, glucanaseand protease, degraded fungal cell walls to clear up biofilm [6].

Bilberry is a plant rich in antioxidants known as anthocyanins and polyphenols. “Urease-producing bacteria are known to produce crystalline biofilms and encrustation on catheters” and bilberry is a plant extracted urease-inhibitor, hence can be helpful to deal with biofilm and UTIs [4].

Black Walnut hull “is widely used in traditional medicine for alleviating pain and treating skin diseases” [7]. It has antioxidant properties [7] and has also long been used in traditional medicine as a blood purifier [8] and to treat parasites.

Cellulase is an enzyme that helps break down cellulose. The cell walls of fungi, including Candida, is made of cellulose. Cellulase can “Break down harmful microbial biofilms … In vitrostudies show that the cellulase enzyme can stop the growth and increase the breakdown of biofilms produced by the bacteria Pseudomonas. This may help detoxify the intestinal tract, as well as the body’s major organ systems … Other tests found an improvement in immune function for the patients. Furthermore, when the enzyme supplement was withdrawn, the positive benefits ended” [9].

DPP IV(“DPP 4”) is the acronym for the enzyme Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV. It has been found to inhibit bacterial caused biofilm [10]. DPPIV has gluten-detoxification abilities [11].

Echinacea Echinacea purpurea can help prevent viral and other infections and seems to reduce types of biofilm [9].

Endopeptidase is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks peptide bonds other than terminal ones in a peptide chain.

Exopeptidase is any peptidase that catalyzes the cleavage of the terminal (or the penultimate) peptide bond; the process releases a single amino acid or dipeptide from the peptide chain.“ A peptidase is a catalytically active protein that cleaves one or more peptide bonds in a protein or peptide by hydrolysis” [12].

Garlic Allium Sativa has antimicrobial properties [9]. Allicin from garlic has been shown to inhibit infectious biofilm [13].

Glucoamylase are inverting exo-acting starch hydrolases/enzymes releasing β-glucose from the non-reducing ends of starch and related substrates. “Glucoamylase, when combined with other enzymes may ease the negative effects of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) … Studies show that glucoamylase combined with other enzymes can promote a normal autoimmunity response. In the case of autoimmune disorders, antigens, and antibodies, when not cleared out over time, can create tissue damage in the body” [14]. Hence, glucoamylase can help in detoxification.

Goldenseal Hydrastis Canadensis contains berberine “Berberine has broad-spectrum antibiotic activity … and immune-enhancing properties. … Berberine has shown antimicrobial activity against bacteria, protozoa, and fungi … Berberine, a constituent of goldenseal, when used to treat urinary tract infections, is known to reduce synthesis of Escherichia colifimbrae, thus preventing adhesion to the bladder lining” [9]. “Berberine has been … found to reduce biofilm [15].

Grapefruit Seed Extract has certain antimicrobial properties [16,17]. It seems to help prevent biofilm when used with other substances [18].

Hemicellulase is an enzyme which “breaks down hemicellulose, which is a type of cellulose and a key component of the cell wall in all plants … Some research suggests that an increase in this enzyme can help prevent and reduce yeast infestations such as Candida. This is perhaps related to the fact that the cell wall of candida is composed of hemicellulose” [19].

Lysozyme is an enzyme catalyzes the breakdown of some carbohydrates found in the cell walls of certain bacteria that can reduce biofilm [20]. Lysozyme has been shown to inhibit Candida biofilm [21].

Milk Thistle Silybin Marianum “has been shown to have a positive hepatoprotective effect in the treatment of liver cirrhosis associated with alcohol or viruses” [9]. Silymarin (a constituent of Milk Thistle) seems to have inhibitory effects on bacterial biofilm [22].

Pectinase is an enzyme that breaks down pectin, a polysaccharide found in plant cell walls. It also helps inhibit bacterial biofilm [23].

Proteolytic enzymes like various peptidases and proteases have been shown to reduce bacterial [e.g.24] and fungal biofilm [e.g. 1,3].

Serrapeptase Serratia Pepitase is a proteolytic enzyme. Its use as a biofilm buster has been speculated for Lyme disease [25]. It has also been claimed to reduce toxins associated with Alzheimer’s disease [26].

Shiitake Mushroom Lentinula Edodes has positive immune-enhancing [27] and anti biofilm properties [28].

Wild Oregano Organum Vulgare has “antibacterial and antifungal activity” as well as antiparasitic effects [9]. Its constituent carvacral has antibiofilm effects against pathogens such as Escherichia coli [29].

Naturopathic philosophy teaches that one is susceptible to infection if one there is an accumulation of toxins that the body does not eliminate which makes an environment that infections can thrive in [30-32]. Biofilms are such an environment.

Even those not interested in natural health realize that biofilm is a major cause of infectious disease.

Herbs and enzymes are “novel approaches’ that more health care professionals may wish to try.


[1] Donlan RM. Biofilms: Microbial Life on Surfaces. Emerg Infect Dis. 2002 Sep; 8(9): 881–89
[2] Aynapudi J, et al. Involvement of signal peptidase I in Streptococcus sanguinis biofilm formation. Microbiology. 2017 Sep;163(9):1306-1318
[3] Winter MB, et al. Global Identification of Biofilm-Specific Proteolysis in Candida albicans. MBio. 2016 Sep 13;7(5). pii: e01514-16
[4] Delcaru C, et al. Microbial Biofilms in Urinary Tract Infections and Prostatitis: Etiology, Pathogenicity, and Combating strategies. Pathogens. 2016 Dec; 5(4): 65

[5] Honma K, Ruscitto A, Sharma A. β-glucanase activity of the oral bacterium Tannerella forsythia contributes to the growth of a partner species, Fusobacterium nucleatum, in co-biofilms. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2017 Oct 27. pii: AEM.01759-17

[6] Ni M, et al. Identification and comprehensive evaluation of a novel biocontrol agent Bacillus atrophaeus JZB120050. J Environ Sci Health B. 2018 Sep 10:1-9

[7] Meshkini A1, Tahmasbi M. Antiplatelet Aggregation Activity of Walnut Hull Extract via Suppression of Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Caspase Activation. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2017 Jun;10(3):193-203
[8] Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenick C, eds. PDR for Herbal Medicine, 4thedition. Thomson, 2007

[9] Group E. The Health Benefits of Cellulase. Global Healing Center, June 19, 2018

[10] De A, et al. Antidiabetic “gliptins” affect biofilm formation by Streptococcus mutans. Microbiol Res. 2018 Apr;209:79-85

[11] Ehren J, et al. A food-grade enzyme preparation with modest gluten detoxification properties. PLoS One. 2009 Jul 21;4(7):e6313

[12] RawlingsND, Barrett AJ. Peptidases. Wiley ELS, Published online: July 2014

[13] Ranjbar-Omid M, et al. Allicin from garlic inhibits the biofilm formation and urease activity of Proteus mirabilis in vitro. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2015 May;362(9)pii: fnv049

[14] Group E. The Health Benefits of Glucoamylase. Global Healing Center, June 19, 2018
[15] da Silva AR, et al. Berberine Antifungal Activity in Fluconazole-Resistant Pathogenic Yeasts: Action Mechanism Evaluated by Flow Cytometry and Biofilm Growth Inhibition in Candida spp. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016 May 23;60(6):3551-7
[16] Kanmani P1, Rhim JW. Antimicrobial and physical-mechanical properties of agar-based films incorporated with grapefruit seed extract. Carbohydr Polym. 2014 Feb 15;102:708-1

[17] Choi JS, et al. Antibacterial effect of grapefruit seed extract (GSE) on Makgeolli-brewing microorganisms and its application in the preservation of fresh Makgeolli. J Food Sci. 2014 Jun;79(6):M1159-67

[18] Kim JH, Hong WS, Oh SW. Effect of layer-by-layer antimicrobial edible coating of alginate and chitosan with grapefruit seed extract for shelf-life extension of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) stored at 4 °C. Int J Biol Macromol. 2018 Dec;120(Pt B):1468-1473

[19] Group E. The Health Benefits of Hemicellulase. Global Healing Center, October 5, 2015

[20] Hou Y, et al. Lysozyme Associated Liposomal Gentamicin Inhibits Bacteria. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Apr 9;18(4). pii: E784

[21] Sebaa S, Hizette N, Boucherit-Otmani Z, Courtois P. Dose‑dependent effect of lysozyme upon Candida albicans biofilm. Mol Med Rep. 2017 Mar;15(3):1135-1142

[22] Vimberg V, et al. Hydnocarpin-Type Flavonolignans: Semisynthesis and Inhibitory Effects on Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Formation. J Nat Prod. 2015 Aug 28;78(8):2095-103

[23] Villa F, Secundo F, Polo A, Cappitelli F. Immobilized Hydrolytic Enzymes Exhibit Antibiofilm Activity Against Escherichia coli at Sub-Lethal Concentrations. Curr Microbiol. 2015 Jul;71(1):106-14

[24] Shukla SK, Rao TS. Staphylococcus aureus biofilm removal by targeting biofilm-associated extracellular proteins. Indian J Med Res. 2017 Jul;146(Supplement):S1-S8

[25] Lacout A. Biofilms busters to improve the detection of Borrelia using PCR. Med Hypotheses. 2018 Mar;112:4-6

[26] Fadl NN, Ahmed HH, Booles HF, Sayed AH. Serrapeptase and nattokinase intervention for relieving Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology in rat model. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2013 Jul;32(7):721-35

[27] Vetvicka V, Vetvickova J. Immune-enhancing effects of Maitake (Grifola frondosa) and Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) extracts. Ann Transl Med. 2014 Feb;2(2):14

[28] Papetti A, et al. Components in Lentinus edodes mushroom with anti-biofilm activity directed against bacteria involved in caries and gingivitis. Food Funct. 2018 Jun 20;9(6):3489-3499

[29] Lee JH, Kim YG, Lee J. Carvacrol-rich oregano oil and thymol-rich thyme red oil inhibit biofilm formation and the virulence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli. J Appl Microbiol. 2017 Dec;123(6):1420-1428

[30] Tilden JK. Toxemia Explained. Life Science Institute reprint. Written circa 1926

[31] Cordingley EW. Principles and Practices of Naturopathy. Health Research reprint. Written 1924

[32] Thiel R. Naturopathy for the 21stCentury. Whitman Books, 2011.

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Aller-Lung Support™ for Perennial or Seasonal Allergies

Imagine just one supplement that contains foods that have been shown to help with perennial and/or seasonal allergy symptoms:

  • sneezing
  • congestion
  • phlegm accumulation
  • runny nose

  • red eyes
  • teary eyes
  • watery eyes
  • histamine release

The immune system is quite complex, but when it reacts to normally harmless foods and pollens allergies, sinus complaints, and/or asthma can result (although there are many possible causes of asthma). Of course, not all airborne substances are harmless, as tobacco smoke, fires, and environmental pollutants also seem to contribute to allergies and asthma [1].  And all of these problems can cause or worsen sinus, lung, and bronchial congestion. Throughout the past couple of centuries, many Foods have been consumed to help reduce the histamine-type reactions that allergies tend to produce.

Acerola Cherry is one of the most vitamin C dense Foods [2].  Not only does it have free radical scavenging abilities, it also has been shown to increase the antioxidant abilities of some other foods [3].  “Acerola”contains bioflavonoids” [3], anthocynins, and quercitin [4].  One study concluded that vitamin C “supplementation provides a protective effect against exercise-induced airway narrowing in asthmatic subjects” [5].

Bioflavonoids, such as Quercitin dihydrate have long been used for allergies.  Even the PDR admits that quercetin may “have benefit in some allergic conditions, in conditions characterized by capillary fragility, in chronic prostates and in some cancers”Quercetin is one of several flavonoids that have effects on mast cells and basophils”it might be useful in some allergies, such as hay fever.  Quercetin can help prevent the release of histamine and other mediators of allergies, possibly stabilize cell membranes so that they are less reactive to allergens” [2].  “The major active biological constituents in Citrus herbs are flavonoids, especially hesperidin, naringin and alkaloids, mainly synephrine, with beneficial medical effects on human health” [6].  Quercetin is often advised for those with asthma, allergic rhinitis, or hay fever [7].  Bioflavonoids are also sometimes simply called flavonoids.  Citrus bioflavonoids have been found to have anti-allergic effects and may be useful to improve symptoms associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis [8].

Bromelain fruit Ananas comosus is a widely used pineapple extractAnd while it is most commonly used for inflammation, it has been used for “asthmatic conditions” [9-10].  Furthermore, the PDR reports, “Bromelains reported mucolytic activity has prompted some use of it in respiratory tract diseases.  It has been shown to be of benefit in chronic bronchitis and, in a double-blind study, acute sinusitis”In the realm of immunity, bromelain is being tested for possible effects in T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases”In combination with tyrpsin and the flavonoids rutin, bromelain has been reported to protect against experimental allergic encephalitis” [2].

Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum has been used for “upper respiratory catarrah” [9].  It is “often used for breathing” [11].  It is a common ingredient in curries.  It has been advised for allergies, asthma, bronchial conditions, emphysema, lung infections, and sinus  conditions [12].  “Fenugreek has been shown to soften and dissolve hardened masses of accumulated mucous”It loosens and expels mucus and phlegm accumulated in the bronchial tubes ” [12].

Fructus aurantia immaturi is also known as immature bitter orange.  “The predominant adrenergic protoalkaloid found in the peel and fruit of bitter orange, Citrus aurantium, is synephrine” [13], m-synephrine.   M- synephrine (phenylephrine) promotes normal nighttime breathing by relieving congestion and phlegm in nasal passages, helps inhibit histamine production, and sometimes is used in anti-snoring products.  A pharmaceutical form of synephrine is used in allergy/hay fever medications like Neo-Synephrine [14].

Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica  “Nettle can alleviate allergic symptoms such as teary eyes and a runny nose” [12]. It is sometimes used those with asthma, bronchitis, or catarrhal conditions [12].  Nettles are “[g]ood for hay fever and other allergic disorders”and mucous conditions of the lungs” [7].  It is sometimes advised to help “ward off  severe allergic reactions” [7].  A double-blind study found nettles to be more effective than a placebo for people with allergic rhinitis [15].

Thyme Thymus vulgaris has been approved for use by the European Commission E for cough and bronchitis [9]. The PDR states, “The herb is used internally for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, dyspeptic complaints, asthma, laryngitis, chronic gastritis, and whopping cough” [9].  One study reported,  “It is well known that nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. . Thymus vulgaris L. have been used in traditional medicine in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases. The present study focuses on the effects of these” extracts on NO production induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in the murine macrophage cell line J774A.1. In addition, cell viability, scavenging activity and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA expression were evaluated”T. vulgaris extracts significantly inhibited the enhanced production of NO induced by LPS and IFN-gamma in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment with these “extracts did not reduce cell viability at any dose used” plant extracts showed significant scavenging of NO radicals released by an NO donor, PAPA-NONOate. Results also show that pre-treatment with”T. vulgaris extracts significantly inhibits iNOS mRNA expression. This study thus suggests that the inhibition of net NO production by these”extracts may be due to their NO scavenging activity and/or their inhibitory effects on iNOS gene expression” [16].

Note: People with allergies can be allergic to many things, including herbs used with allergies.  Also, if one has some type of Staphylococci infection, it is normally best to avoid bovine (cow) dairy and sometimes oat-containing products.

The 100% Food Aller-Lung Support formula contains herbs that can help support the lungs and sinuses.  For people with year-round or seasonal allergies, naturally-inclined doctors advise Food Aller-Lung Support.

Note: People with allergies can be allergic to many things, including herbs used with allergies.  Also, if one has some type of Staphylococci infection, it is normally best to avoid bovine (cow) dairy and sometimes oat-containing products.

The 100% Food Aller-Lung Support formula contains herbs that can help support the lungs and sinuses.  For people with year-round or seasonal allergies, naturally-inclined doctors advise Food Aller-Lung Support.


[1] Tecer LH, Alagha O, Karaca F, Tuncel G, Eldes N. Particulate Matter (PM(2.5), PM(10-2.5), and PM(10)) and Children’s Hospital Admissions for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases: A Bidirectional Case-Crossover Study. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2008;71(8):512-20
[2] Sheldon SH, Rorvik D, eds.  PDR for Nutritional Supplements.  Medical Economics, Montvale (NJ), 2001
[3] Hwang J, Hodis HN, Sevanian A.  Soy and alfalfa phytoestrogen extracts become potent low-density lipoprotein antioxidants in the presence of acerola cherry extract.  J Agric Food Chem. 2001;49(1):308-314
[4] Hanamura T, Mayama C, Aoki H, Hirayama Y, Shimizu M.  Antihyperglycemic effect of polyphenols from Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) fruit.  Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2006 Aug;70(8):1813-20
[5] Tecklenburg SL, Mickleborough TD, Fly AD, Bai Y, Stager JM.  Ascorbic acid supplementation attenuates exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in patients with asthma.  Respir Med. 2007 Aug;101(8):1770-8
[6] Ding L, Luo X, Tang F, Yuan J, Liu Q, Yao S.  Simultaneous determination of flavonoid and alkaloid compounds in Citrus herbs by high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detection-electrospray mass spectrometry.  J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2007 Oct 1;857(2):202-9
[7] Balch JF, Balch PA.  Prescription for Nutritional Healing.  Avery Publishing, Garden City (NY), 1997
[8] Tanabe S, Kinuta Y, Yasumatsu H, Takayanagi M, Kobayashi S, Takido N, Sugiyama M. Effects of Citrus unshiu Powder on the Cytokine Balance in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis to Pollen. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 2207, 71 (11), 2852″2855
[9] Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, editors. PDR for Herbal Medicines, 4th ed.  Thomson, Montvale (NJ), 2007
[10]  Secor ER, Carson WF, Singh A, Pensa M, Guernsey LA, Schramm CM, Thrall RS.  Oral Bromelain Attenuates Inflammation in an Ovalbumin-induced Murine Model of Asthma.  Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2008 Mar;5(1):61-9
[11] Profiles in Nutritional Progress.  Rubicon Productions, Bakersfield, 1993
[12] Ritchason J.  The Little Herb Encyclopedia, 3rd ed.  Woodland Health Books, Provo (UT), 1995
[13] Nelson BC, Putzbach K, Sharpless KE, Sander LC.  Mass spectrometric determination of the predominant adrenergic protoalkaloids in bitter orange (Citrus aurantium).  J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Nov 28;55(24):9769-75
[14] Griffith HW.  Complete Guide to Prescription & Non-Prescription Drugs.  The Body Press, Los Angeles, 1989:782-3
[15] Mittman P. Randomized, double-blind study of freeze-dried Urtica dioica in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.  Planta Med. 1990 Feb;56(1):44-7
[16] Vigo E, Cepeda A, Gualillo O, Perez-Fernandez R.  In-vitro anti-inflammatory effect of Eucalyptus globulus and Thymus vulgaris: nitric oxide inhibition in J774A.1 murine macrophages.  J Pharm Pharmacol. 2004 Feb;56(2):257-63

Some of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review standards. Therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All products distributed by Doctors” Research, Inc. are nutritional and are not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition

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Simply Parotid™

New! Product #738 Simply Parotid™ Simply Parotid™ is a 100% Food supplement that is a 100% Food supplement that is intended to support healthy parotid

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Simply Lung™

Product #732 Simply Lung™ Simply Lung™ is a 100% Food supplement that is intended to supply nutrients needed to maintain and support optimal lung health.

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Vegetarian Thyro™ – 100% Vegan Food Thyroid Support

The thyroid is responsible for hormones that affect mood, improve circulation, increase metabolism, retain calcium, affect cardiovascular health, improve tolerance to temperature fluctuations, minimize body fat, reduce the tendency for obesity, minimize menstrual disturbances, improve energy, reduce the dryness of skin and hair, and reduce premature hair loss [1-3].   Yet thyroid problems are very common [2].

Unfortunately, medical interventions are often incomplete as blood tests often do not recognize certain forms of hypothyroidism [2,3].  Furthermore, even when found medically, most medical interventions are limited to the prescribing of synthetic T4 (levothyroxine), which tends to shut the thyroid down [4], and thus possibly increasing the tendency for osteoporosis [3-5], as well as sometimes increasing mood problems and some other symptoms associated with low thyroid function.

Vegetarian Thyro is a 100% vegan Food supplement intended to nutritionally support the thyroid and improve metabolism.  Vegetarian Thyro is basically Food intended for thyroid gland. If additional endocrine support is indicated, consider adding Vegetarian Adrenal or Vegetarian Tyrosine.

Burdock Root has long been used to support the thyroid nutritionally [6].  It is sometimes used in products that are given to people who take synthetic thyroid medicines [6].

Carrots contain a variety of carotenoids, which is a vitamin A precursor.  Low levels of vitamin A are associated with increased risk of thyroid goiters and deficiencies affect thyroid metabolism [7].  “[A] decade-long Harvard study indicat[ed] that by getting 50 milligrams of carotenoids in every other day…significantly reduce[d] the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cataracts” [8].

Dong Quai has long been used to support the thyroid nutritionally [6].  It is sometimes used in products that are given to people who take synthetic thyroid medicines [6].  

Folate forms have long been used to support the thyroid nutritionally [6].  It is sometimes used in products that are given to people who take synthetic thyroid medicines [6].  Additionally, it has been reported that deficiencies of folate have been found in those with inadequate production of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) [9].

Iodine can be properly called THE THYROID mineral since the body’s sole use of the mineral iodine is for the thyroid to make thyroid hormones (T1,T2,T3, & T4) [1,5,8].  The primary thyroid hormone (T1) is called monoiodotyrosine, which means it needs iodine and tyrosine [5].  It gets converted to T2 with the addition of more iodine, then to T3 with more iodine then to T4 with even more iodine.  Iodine is naturally contained in Foods such as kelp and other sea vegetables [10].

Irish Moss Chondrus crispus contains humic and fulvic acids (FAs) which increase the solubility of toxic metals [11],  thus it is sometimes used to detoxify.  Detoxification can be an issue with thyroid health as some believe that substances like chloride and fluoride can bind with the thyroid and interfere with iodine absorption.  “Irish moss and Kelp combination is used to balance hormonal indeficiency especially in the thyroid gland.  It increases the metabolic rate, thyroid activity, and the detoxifying function of the body.  The herbs {also} supply trace minerals…[and] is commonly used in conjunction with…the complex of B vitamins, vitamin A,…and zinc” [12] .

Kelp is a Food  source of trace minerals, and an excellent source of iodine [10].  Kelp has long been used (since 3000 B.C.) to provide nutritional support for the thyroid gland [8,13]. Gary Null, Ph.D., has written, “Kelp can rebalance thyroid metabolism, resulting in successful weight management and the reversal of many conditions which are caused by a thyroid imbalance, including stomach and respiratory disorders” [13].  

L-tyrosine an amino acid required for the production of thyroid hormones, T1,T2,T3, and T4 [5].  Tyrosine may reduce the net rate of protein breakdown in the body and appears to help with endurance [14].  Tyrosine has an effect nerve impulse transmission and may “improve vigilance and lessen anxiety” [17]. Gary Null (Ph.D.) considers tyrosine to  be  a  therapeutic amino acid for depression as well was an antiencephalopathic, antiparkinsonian, and an
antidepressant [16].  Women on oral contraceptives have been found to have less plasma and brain levels of tyrosine which results in a reduction in catecholamines, which affect mood. [17]. Oral consumption of tyrosine has, in some case, been shown to completely alleviate depression while increasing plasma tyrosine levels [18,19].  It has also been shown to help when MAO inhibitors did not [19].  In rat models vitamin C has enhanced the ability of tyrosine to decrease blood pressure [8,20].  Interestingly, “Tyrosine has been known to normalize blood pressure whether high or low. Tyrosine is being tested by the Air Force to enhance performance under stress” [21].

The body naturally produces tyrosine by converting it from phenylalanine [8].  “Compared with tyrosine which has a de novo synthesis component limited by phenylalanine oxidation, most nonessential amino acids have a very large de novo synthesis components because of the metabolic pathways they are involved in” [8].  This might explain why taking separate tyrosine is more helpful for many than taking other separate amino acids classified as nonessential—they can be made with much easier (with less restriction) than tyrosine can (tyrosine requires liver hydroxylation).

Sea Vegetables supply iodine and various trace minerals that the thyroid needs [10].

Vitamin B-6 forms have long been used to support the thyroid nutritionally [6].  It is sometimes used in products that are given to people who take synthetic thyroid medicines [6].

Vitamin B-12 deficiencies have been found in those with inadequate production of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) [9].

Zinc deficiency in humans can cause thyroid problems, alopecia, impotence, skin problems, immune deficiencies, increased susceptibility to infection/sore throats, night blindness, impaired taste, delayed wound healing, impaired appetite, photophobia (hypersensitivity to light), difficulty in dark adaptation, growth retardation, male infertility (low sperm counts), liver enlargement, and spleen enlargement [8,22].

Many people simply take Vegetarian Thyro as a Food supplement to help them feel better.  


[1] Robbins J, Rall JE, Gorden P.  The thyroid and iodine metabolism.  In Duncan’s Diseases of Metabolism, 7th ed.  WB Saunders, Phil.:1009-1104, 1974
[2] Many thyroid conditions are underdiagnosed. Med Trib, Jan 25,1996;2
[3] Thiel R.  Suspected hypothyroidism: treat, ignore, or feed? International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, 2002; 1(1): 12-22
[4] Physician’s Desk Reference, 60th ed. Thompson PDR, Montvale (NJ), 2006
[5] Guyton AG, Hall JE.  Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th ed.  W.B. Saunders Co., Phil., 1996 [21] Ensminger AH, Ensminger ME, Konlande JE, Robson JRK.  Food & Nutrition Encyclopedia, 2nd ed.  CRC Press, New York, 1993
[6] Thiel R.  Serious Nutrition, 3rd edition.  Center for Natural Health Research, 1997
[7] Michael B. Zimmermann, Rita Wegmüller, Christophe Zeder, Nourredine Chaouki and Toni Torresani. The Effects of Vitamin A Deficiency and Vitamin A Supplementation on Thyroid Function in Goitrous Children.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004;89(11):5441-5447
[8] Ensminger AH, Ensminger ME, Konlande JE, Robson JRK.  Food & Nutrition Encyclopedia, 2nd ed.  CRC Press, New York, 1993
[9] Agarwal R, Chhillar N, Kushwaha S, Singh NK, Tripathi CB. Role of vitamin B(12), folate, and thyroid stimulating hormone in dementia: A hospital-based study in north Indian population.  Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2010 Oct;13(4):257-62
[10] Seaweed, kelp, raw.  USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 11-1, August 1997
[11] Wu J, West LJ, Stewart DI..  Effect of humic substances on Cu(II) solubility in kaolin-sand soil. J Hazard Mater. 2002 Oct 14;94(3):223-238
[12] Pedersen M.  Nutritional Herbology.  Whitman Books, Warsaw (IN), 1998
[13] Null G.  The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing.  Kensington Books, 1998
[14] Blomstrand E, Newsholme EA.  Effect of branch-chain amino acid supplementation on exercise-induced change in aromatic amino acid concentration in human muscle.  ACTA Physiol Scand,1992;146:293-298
[15] Specific nutrients aid in high-performance activity.  Nutr Week, June 4, 1994:7
[16] Null G.  The Clinician’s Handbook of Natural Healing.  Kensington Books, NY, 1997
[17] Moller SE.  Tryptophan and Tyrosine Availability and Oral Contraceptives.   Lancet, September 1, 1979:472
[18] Gelenberg AJ, Wojcik JD, Growdon JH, et al. Tyrosine for the Treatment of Depression.  Am J Psychiatry, 1980;137(5):622-623
[19] Goldberg IK. L-Tyrosine in Depression.  Lancet, August 16, 1980:364.
[20] Hemila H.  Vitamin C and Lowering Blood Pressure:  Need For Intervention Trials. Journal of Hypertension, 1991;9(11):1076-1077
[21] Hamiliton K. Clinical Pearls, 1992.  ITServices, Sacramento, 1991
[22] Cunnane SC.  Zinc: Clinical and Biochemical Significance.  CRC Press, Boca Raton (FL),1988

Some of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review standards (though most do). Therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All products distributed by Doctors’ Research, Inc. are nutritional and are not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition.

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Vegetarian Thyro™

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Restful Mind Support™

Product #680 Restful Mind Support™ Restful Mind Support™ is a 100% Food supplement that is intended to supply nutrients, glandulars, and herbs needed to maintain and

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Dual Vitality™

New! Product #297 Dual Vitality™ Dual  Vitality™ is a 100% vegan Food  a dual support for Energy, Vitality, and a Healthy Immune System.  90 Capsules   •

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Advanced Joint Complex™ for Optimal Joint Health

Many people have joint complaints including various forms of arthritis, rheumatism, lupus, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and other disorders. There are many products intended to help such people, yet that there is no one formula that is best for everyone. Since most products are not 100% Food, they often do not contain all the nutrient factors needed for optimal joint health. At Doctors” Research we believe that nutritional supplementation should be Food, or as close to Food as possible, which is why we came up with 100% Food Advanced Joint Complex.

Take glucosamine sulfate as an example. In most products, glucosamine sulfate is extracted from marine exoskeletons (shellfish) and is so over refined that other natural factors that can be helpful for joints are missing [1,2]. The same is true for refined chrondroitin sulfate, which can come from pork, sharks, or even whales [1,2]. However, Advanced Joint Complex contains concentrated bovine tracheal cartilage which is naturally high in collagen, proteoglycans, chondrocytes (including, but not limited to, chondroitin sulfates), glucosamine, and other factors which each have specific functions for joints and other connective tissue [1]. “The collagen fibers are arranged in arches so that near the surface they are horizontal in orientation–this allows the cartilage to resist tensile stresses and transmit vertical loads. The proteoglycans…give hyaline cartilage its turgor and elasticity and play an important role in limiting friction. The chondrocytes synthesize the matrix as well as enzymatically digest it…Matrix turnover is carefully controlled as chondrocytes secrete the degradative enzymes in an inactive form and enrich the matrix with enzyme inhibitors.
Diseases that destroy articular cartilage do so by activating catabolic enzymes and decreasing the production of inhibitors, thereby accelerating the matrix breakdown. The chondrocytes react by increasing matrix production” [3]. Chondroitin sulfates (CS) “4&6 are glycosaminoglycans which participate in the matrix structure of cartilage. They are well absorbed after oral intake…Several clinical studies have demonstrated the chondroprotective efficacy of CS 4&6 in osteoarthritis involving the hip, knee and finger joints” [4]; an animal study found that CS-C significantly inhibited “edema, synovitis and destruction of articular cartilage” [5]. Unlike Advanced Joint Complex, typical extracted glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate formulas are simply to incomplete to work as well as nature intended [2].

Vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals to stop their damage and helps build connective tissues such as collagen [6]. Most other products contain ascorbic acid which is the USP synthesized so-called vitamin C. USP ascorbic acid is made by fermenting corn sugar into sorbitol, then hydrogenating it until it turns into sorbose, then acetone (commonly referred to as nail polish remover) is added to break the molecular bonds which creates ascorbic acid! All the vitamin C in Advanced Joint Complex is from Acerola (it is not a mixture of ascorbic acid with some Acerola thrown in as some do). Acerola is a cherry-like berry that is one of the most naturally concentrated vitamin C Foods known to exist–various cherries have been recommended to help people with arthritis [7]. Vitamin C in Foods such as Acerola exists in at least two forms unlike USP ascorbic acid which does not contain both forms [6]! Acerola is also less acidic than USP ascorbic acid (some feel that increased acidity tends to hurt, rather than help joints [7]).

Food vitamin D has been found to be more effective than at least one USP form for rickets [8]. Food calcium is 7 times as effective in raising serum ionic calcium levels [9]. Food magnesium is better absorbed and retained than magnesium salts [10]. Clinically, magnesium is often used for muscle tightness. Food zinc contains items that have better absorption than the zinc salts [11]. Food phosphorus works with calcium in the body, whereas Food potassium is an important electrolyte [7]. Alfalfa is a Food which is rich in trace minerals [12]. “Aloe veraincreases collagen content…acts as a modulatory system toward wounds with anti-inflammatory effects…exerts anti-inflammatory activity through its inhibitory action on the arachidonic pathway via cyclooxygenase…Aloe vera contains a carboxypeptidase that inactivates bradykinin, salicylates, and a substance that inhibits thromboxane formation”[13]. Bioflavonoids are helpful to strengthen capillary walls [13]; not only can stronger capillary walls reduce bruising, they can improve circulation (and nutrition) to all parts of the body including joints.

Borage seeds contains gamma-linoleic acid and linoleic acid [13]. Borage is used for “rheumatism of the joints; as a pain reliever” [13]. Food boron is an essential mineral; part of its benefit is believed to be in the inhibition of certain enzymes [7] (proper enzyme inhibition is believed to be helpful for those suffering from forms of arthritis [1,3]). Burdock root is a Food traditional used by those with gout and rheumatism [10]. Cayenne contains capsaicin which has been shown to assist with pain modulation–“Long term desensitization of the fibers occurs after repeated exposure to capsaicin, and results in a subsequent loss of pain sensation…Capsicum binds to the C-type vanilliod receptor (VRI) and opens a cationic channel allowing the influx of calcium…Cayenne is used for painful muscle spasms in the areas of shoulder, arm and spine. In folk medicine the herb is used for frostbite, chronic lumbago… Cayenne is used for gout, arthritis, sciatica” [13]. “Chondroitin is a biological polymer that acts as the flexible connecting matrix between the protein ligaments in cartilage…Chondroitin helps attract essential fluid into the proteoglycan molecules, “water magnet”, which not only acts as a shock absorber but “sweeps” nutrients into the cartilage as well. Glucosamine, another of the beneficial substances in this area, stimulates chondrocyte activity. It is also the critical building block of proteoglycans and other matrix components. Both chondroitin and glucosamine play vital roles in joint maintenance” [12]; there have been purification, absorption, and other problems in found in some chondroitin formulas which are not Food [2,12].

Devil”s Claw is primarily used for rheumatism; a double-bind study found it to “lessen the pain of osteoarthritis” [13]. “The major chemical component, which is though to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity of devil”s claw, is harpagoside, a monoterpenic glucoside” [12]. The grape seed extract used in Advanced Joint Complex is a minimum of 92% proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins are a type of bioflavonoids which studies have found to significantly decrease “Pain, limb heaviness, and feeling of swelling” [12,14]. Additionally, proantocyanidins have been found to increase the resistance of connective fibers to degradation [13] and “Proanthocyanidins extracted from Grape Seed stabilizes capillary walls and prevents increases in permeability which causes edema” [14]). Silicon in Advanced Joint Complex comes from the herb horsetail (which has long been used for gout and rheumatism [14]); “to keep on regenerating cartilage your body needs one basic element: silicon…However the older you get the more difficult it becomes for your body to assimilate silicon…To remedy the situation, plant therapists prescribe horsetail” [15].

Superoxide dismutase (S.O.D.)…protects intracellular components from oxidative damage” [7]; “superoxide has been successfully used to treat human inflammatory diseases” [12]. S.O.D. has been shown to inhibit articular tissue damage associated with osteoarthritis [16]. Ingestion of an isolated form of S.O.D. is not as effective as Food CuZn S.O.D. [17]; which with Mn S.O.D., exists naturally, in Advanced Joint Complex. Whole yucca seems helpful for people who complain that arthritic complaints increase with weather changes. “One report found that the oral administration of a yucca saponin extract for up to 15 months was well-tolerated for the treatment of various arthritic conditions” [12].

Advanced Joint Complex is a Food and contains many Foods, each of which plays a unique role in joint and connective tissue health (including knees). No other isolated joint product truly compares with it, which is why Advanced Joint Complex is the choice of doctors who prefer to recommend Foods, and not chemical isolates, for optimal joint health.

Advanced Joint Complex™ contains concentrated bovine tracheal cartilage which is naturally high in collagen, proteoglycans, chondrocytes (including, but not limited to, chondroitin sulfates), glucosamine, and other factors which each have specific functions for joints and other connective tissue.


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[2] Williams D. The Truth About Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Mountain Home Nutritionals, Ranson (WV), Fall 2002

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[4] Conrozier T. Anti-arthrosis treatment: efficacy and tolerance of chondroitin sulfates (CS 4&6). Presse Med, 1998;27(36):1862-1865

[5] Omata T, Itokazu Y, Ionue N, Segawa Y. Effects of chondroitin sulfate-C on articular cartilage destruction in murine collagen-induced arthritis. Arzneimittelforschung, 2000;50(2):148-153

[6] Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th ed. Lea & Febiger, Phil.,1994

[7] Airola P. How to Get Well. Health Plus, Sherwood (OR), 1974

[8] Bland J. Study on renatured vitamin D3. Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine. November 25, 1985

[9] Hamet P, et al. The evaluation of the scientific evidence for a relationship between calcium and hypertension. J Nutr, 1995;125:311S-400S

[10] Rude R.K., Shils M.E. Magnesium. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 10th ed. Lippincott William & Wilkins, Phil, 2005: 223-247

[11] Andlid TA, Veide J, Sandberg AS. Metabolism of extracellular inositol hexaphosphate (phytate) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Int J. Food Microbiology. 2004;97(2):157-169

[12] DerMarerosian A, ed. The Review of Natural Products. Facts and Comparisons, St. Louis, 2001

[13] Williams DG. Instant Pain Relief, Special Report. Phillips Health, Potomac (MD), 2001

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[15] Robinson A. The natural remedy that can cure arthritis

[16] Null G. Superoxide Dismutase. In The Clinician”s Handbook of Natural Healing. Kensington Books, New York, 1997:137-144

 [17] Haun SE, et al. Polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase fails to augment brain superoxide dismutase activity in piglets. Stroke,1991;22(5):655-659

Some of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review standards (though most do). Therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All products distributed by Doctors” Research, Inc. are nutritional and are not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition.

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