Folic Acid is Hazardous to Your Health
Folic acid gets a lot of press coverage. Few reports have mentioned that folic acid is unnatural, folic acid is synthetic, and that the body cannot properly convert much folic acid into a usable folate form.
Standard Process’ Rep for Southern California sent out a newsletter attacking one of Food Research’s supplement labels. The writer basically claimed that Food Research’s food magnesium supplement was too good to be true. Once the Standard Process Rep for Southern California was shown the evidence, the writer was persuaded it was necessary to issue a formal retraction.
According to the label on Standard Process E-Z Mag, six E-Z Mag tablets provide 70 mg of magnesium. If one were to take six tablets of Food Research Magnesium Complex, one would consume 260 mg of food magnesium.
Thus, Food Research Magnesium Complex provides over 3.7 times more magnesium per tablet than E-Z Mag by Standard Process. Magnesium Complex also naturally contains potassium, as do all foods, however potassium is not legally required to be listed on labels.
Food Research supplements are clearly superior. All Food Research nutrients are 100% whole food.
As far as we know, Food Research, International LLC (whose products we at Doctors’ Research Inc. distribute) remains the only professionally-oriented vitamin and mineral company whose products have never contained any USP isolated vitamin (analogues) nor any inorganic industrial chemical salts for minerals.
Browse all of the Food Research 100% Food supplements here.
The letters from the Standard Process Rep for Southern California are shown on the right.
Food Research products are distributed exclusively
in the USA by Doctors’ Research, Inc.
Folic acid gets a lot of press coverage. Few reports have mentioned that folic acid is unnatural, folic acid is synthetic, and that the body cannot properly convert much folic acid into a usable folate form.
Some natural health products contain glandular ingredients and many doctors have used glandulars for years with great success. Glandular organs, such as heart, aorta, and liver, have been a food source in the human diet for centuries. The consumption of glandulars is believed to provide nutritional support to the corresponding gland in the human body. Glandular organs contain food vitamins and minerals and were often used in the past to supply various nutrients.
Vitamin-Mineral™ (90 Tablets) is a 100% vegetarian FOOD supplement that is the best multi-vitamin, multi-mineral product available anywhere. Unlike some other claimed “ WHOLE FOOD” multi-formulas, it does not contain ANY isolate USP nutrients. 270 Tablets – $89.98
Gluco-Sugar-Balance™ (90 Capsules) is a 100% vegetarian FOOD supplement intended to help support a healthy balance of glucose in the body. It contains minerals, such as Chromium GTF and vanadium, as well as herbs to nutritionally support the body’s blood sugar systems.
Metabolic Thyro™ (90 Tablets) is a 100% FOOD supplement that is intended to supply nutrients, glandulars, and herbs needed to maintain and support optimal thyroid health. It is made up of naturally-iodine containing kelp, plant source l-tyrosine, and bovine glandulars.
B Stress Complex™ (90 Capsules) is a 100% vegetarian FOOD supplement that is intended to supply 100% FOOD B vitamins. Unlike certain so called “whole food” B vitamin sources, it does not contain isolated USP niacinamide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, or any isolated “nutrients”.
This site provides information for doctors and health care professionals and is not intended for use by consumer.
• Photos and Images are all used by permission from Pixabay.com & Pexels.com except for those that are Owned and Copyrighted by Doctors Research, Inc.