Endocrine Support

100% FOOD Supplements that are intended to support the endocrine system.

B Stress Complex™

$ 40
90 Capsules

  • Supports energy metabolism
  • Eases stress
  • Superior source of B vitamins

C Complex™

#204-SM / #205-LG
$ 38
90 Tablets
270 Tablets – ($92.00)
  • Detoxifies free radicals
  • Superior source of Vitamin C
  • Contains real antioxidant

Hypothalamus EMG™

$ 27
90 Capsules

  • Promotes positive mood
  • Calming
  • Bolster healthy hypothalamus

Metabolic Thyro™

$ 28
90 Tablets

  • Supports healthy thyroid
  • Supports proper metabolism
  • Energy enhancement


$ 31
90 Tablets
  • Supports a healthy thyroid
  • Relieves tension
  • Mood support

Pituitary EMG™

$ 27
90 Capsules
  • Supports a healthy pituitary
  • Contains pituitary EMG extract
  • Supports proper metabolism

Simply Hypothalamus™

$ 34
90 Capsules
  • Supports a healthy
  • hypothalamus function
  • Promotes positive mood

Simply Liver™

$ 36
100 Tablets
  • Supports a healthy liver
  • Supports a healthy lymphatic
  • system & metabolism

Simply Thyroid™

$ 36
100 Tablets
  • Supports a healthy thyroid
  • Enhances energy
  • Supports proper metabolism

Thyroid EMG™

$ 20
90 Capsules
  • Supports a healthy thyroid
  • Contains thyroid EMG extract
  • Supports proper metabolism

Online Store for Healthcare Professionals

Call Us at (805) 489-7185 or Email Us at doctorsfoodresearch@gmail.com for more info.

This site provides information for doctors and health care professionals and is not intended for use by consumer. 

Photos and Images are all used by permission from Pixabay.com & Pexels.com except for those that are Owned and Copyrighted by Doctors’ Research, Inc.

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