Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

1. Why 100% Real Food?

Healthcare professionals with an interest in natural health are aware that many of their patients have nutritional problems with their diets.  This is most often due to less whole foods in the food supply, food processing, and sometimes poor dietary choices.

Modern technology has devitalized many foods.  According to a US Surgeon General’s report, 9 of 10 Americans will die of a disease due to nutrition or lifestyle choices.

This simply should not be.

So is the solution to this problem consuming vitamins and minerals in isolated USP (United States Pharmacopeia)  forms?

We at Doctors’ Research think not!

We are sure, as a healthcare professional, you agree that the solution to technologically overly-refined and overly isolated foods is not to base supplementation on USP isolated “nutrients” which are not real Food.

Only real foods contain enzymes, protein chaperones, and other substances and co-factors needed for nutrient utilization and transport.  There is no reason to give patients inferior formulas that contain isolates that do not include the supporting substances naturally found in foods.

Diet is Important

Dietary choices for your patients are important.  Most of them should eat less sweets, hydrogenated fats, refined carbohydrates, and other modern chemically-laden “food.”

But while many patients will make some efforts along those lines, as a healthcare professional you know that most clients will not be willing to make enough changes, either quickly enough or long enough, to promote optimal health.

Hence, there is a real need for 100% food containing dietary supplements. Possibly most of your clients aren’t even aware of what they are!

2. How Can My Patients Know that a Supplement is 100% Food?

Because many companies call their products “natural” or somehow imply that they are “organic” or “whole food,” many of your patients probably believe that is what they are getting. 

But unless they are taking FOOD brand supplements they probably are consuming isolates (USP vitamins and inorganic mineral salts) which are not food.

In order to tell for sure, it is best to carefully look at the label.

If a supplement product does not state “100% Food” on the label, then it is normally safe to conclude that it is not actually 100% food.

There are some words commonly found on many supplement labels that show that the supplement contains USP vitamins and/or inorganic mineral salts.

The most common words to watch out for are:

  • Ascorbic acid
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Calcium lactate *
  • Chromium picolinate
  • Cyanocobalamin
  • Folic acid
  • Magnesium oxide
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Thiamin HCL (or thiamin hydrochloride)
  • Thiamin mononitrate
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride
  • Vitamin A acetate
  • Vitamin A palmitate *
  • Vitamin E acetate
  • Zinc oxide

* Note while this can come from food, it is still an isolate.  Mixing foods with these items, as some companies do, does not change their chemical properties. Most companies calling their ‘vitamins’ as “food-based’ or “made with real food,” simply put a small amount of food as a ‘base’ and spray chemical synthetic ‘vitamins’ on the food. That is similar to what companies do who spray synthetic ‘vitamins’ on their refined grain cereal products. 

For more details (and a more exhaustive list), please see the sections titled The Truth About Minerals in Nutritional Supplements and The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional Supplements.

3. Where Do You Get 100% Food Nutrient Supplements?

While many companies seem to imply that they provide 100% food vitamin and mineral supplements, Food Research supplements are always 100% food. Other brands that also target healthcare professionals that supply vitamins and minerals make label claims based upon USP vitamins and/or inorganic mineral salts (or chelates).

Food Research brand supplements never have as all the nutrients listed under the Supplement Facts on the label always are from food..

And you have the catalog of FOOD brand products that it distributes for you to decide which are best for your patients.

4. What Makes 100% FOOD Supplements the Best?

Dr. Bernard Jensen, an early 20th century advocate of food-based nutrition, once wrote, “When we take out from foods some certain salt, we are likely to alter the chemicals in those foods.  When extracted from food, that certain chemical salt, may even become a poison.  Potash by itself is a poison, whether it comes from a food or from the drugstore.  This is also the case with phosphorus.  You thereby overtax your system, and your functions must work harder, in order to throw off those inorganic salts or poisons introduced… The chemical elements that build our body must be in biochemical, life-producing form.  They must come to us as food, magnetically, electrically alive, grown from the dust of the earth… When we are lacking any element at all, we are lacking more than one element.  There is no one who ever lacked just one element.  We don’t have a food that contains only one element, such as a carrot entirely of calcium or sprouts totally made of silicon.”

Dr. Royal Lee stated, “The best sources of vitamins and minerals are found in whole foods.”  Dr. Lee felt it was not honest to use the name ‘vitamin C’ for ascorbic acid.  That term ‘should be reserved for the vitamin C COMPLEX’.

Most companies have isolated ascorbic acid for their claimed vitamin C. 

Unlike companies who imply that their products are only whole foods, our FOOD brand products never contain ascorbic acid or extracted mineral salt nutrients.  That is the key to truly natural quality ingredients.

For example, the vitamin C on the Supplement Facts of Food Research products normally come from tree-grown Acerola Cherries. Acerola Cherries appear to be the most naturally vitamin C dense foods in the world.

FOOD brand supplements are 100% food as natural doctors of old have long advocated.

5. Why are FOOD brand products the best?

At least 98.97% of vitamins consumed are synthetic isolates, though they are often labeled as natural. Yet, there are no isolated USP nutrients that exist naturally. So, nearly all companies combine synthetic isolates with industrially-processed minerals in order to produce their vitamin-mineral formulas.

FOOD brand products are different.

They never contain any synthetic/isolated USP nutrients.

In order to obtain the potencies of nutrients that members of modern societies need, many of the nutrients in our products are hydroponically-grown to improve the concentration of nutrients in the specific raw foods that we use.

The processes essentially take advantage of a law of nature that a plant will absorb more of a nutrient when that nutrient is more available. Essentially, the plant is fed an enzyme-containing liquid that will be higher in one particular mineral. The plant will absorb more of that mineral, since more of it is present. The nutrient foods are grown in an FDA registered facility.

In reality this is duplicating the process of nature when we create food nutrients. Nature’s process takes inorganic, non-food substances from the soil and delivers them to the cells of the plant. This natural process is the merging of different elements into a union creating one. Creating a whole from different elements is nature in action. The best method of creating a union, like those created by nature, between inorganic fractions and the whole food matrix seems to be by utilizing hydroponic technologies.

Food Research wanted to supply the best possible form of nutrients so it looked into modern technologies that would be compatible with the natural life processes that nature uses to improve the nutrients in natural plants.

This led to the acquisition of foods combined with a natural cold fusion process. The definition of fusion is the merging of different elements into a union, creating an enhanced whole from different elements. A natural cold fusion process is used to produce superior nutrients that are always 100% food. Enhanced nutrients occur from the merging of specific elements through a living plant into a whole food matrix through low temperature hydroponic farming. The reason that the process is “cold” is in order to preserve the naturally-occurring enzymes and other beneficial substances in the foods. Many of the processes and equipment had to be custom-made or altered to accommodate our need to maintain the fresh frozen raw foods used to create the usable raw materials. Cold fusion processing was not an after thought. No expense was spared to create these cold fusion processes and the state of the art manufacturing plant needed to keep Food Research, International products the best available on the planet.

Furthermore, this form of “cold fusion-hydroponic” farming is pesticide free, and hence the quality of the food nutrients produced this way can be considered superior to conventionally grown foods. After they are grown to proper maturity, the plants are then harvested and dried. 

No Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMO) have ever been found in our nutrient foods, upon average analysis (which means none have ever been detected any time that our nutrients have been tested for them).

These superior foods are also free of artificial colors, preservatives, and similar chemicals. The grown nutrients are also HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) validated. The nutrient content of each batch is tested for potency.

FOOD brand supplements represent the best of all worlds: Real food nutrients, in real foods, with naturally occurring substances (such as enzymes, amino acids, lipids, and/or bioflavonoids) bottled and tested for potency.

100% food nutrients, 100% of the time.

6. What Are Glandulars and Why Are FOOD brand Glandulars Better?

Glandulars are animal tissue extracts that have been consumed by humans for thousands of years.  In FOOD brand products, most of these glandulars have been freeze-dried to insure that they contain their natural enzymes, peptides, and hormone precursors. FOOD brand products only use bovine, goat, or wild fish for their glandular products.  The source of the bovine glandulars are essentially pasture raised cows from New Zealand or other nations that have never had ‘mad cow disease’—USA bovine (which tend to be raised with a lot GMO corn) is never used.  Bovine glandulars are often referred to as cytotrophins, meaning cell foods.

To prevent the possibility of toxic metal accumulation, the oil from the wild herring fish that is in Omega 3/EPA/DHA has been molecularly-distilled for purity.

7. Does Food Research Have Vegetarian Products?

Yes, 35 different ones.   All of the FOOD brand listed vitamins and minerals are from vegetarian sources, and they are either wild-crafted or otherwise grown without preservative, pesticides, fungicides, artificial colors, etc. Most of the fruits and vegetables listed in the products are organically grown at certified organic farms or wild-crafted.  Tests done have found no GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) in any FOOD brand products. Click here to see our VEGETARIAN PRODUCTS.

8. Do All Food Research Supplements Have Hydroponic Nutrients?

Most Food Research supplements do not have hydroponically-grown foods or nutrients.   Most of the foods in Food Research supplements are organic, wild crafted, or other fruits and vegetables. There are also some food extracts and pasture-fed glandular foods. 

Food Research nutrients are grown in a unique process that in line with nature’s own nature processes. Food nutrients grown this way are easier to absorb and are superior to isolated USP ‘nutrients.’ Plus they contain food factors, which at least in the case of minerals, help improve mineral transport in the body as confirmed by research done by the Noble prize winning Dr. Günter Blobel.

All Food Research supplements contain soil-based foods, but some ALSO have hydroponically-grown high-nutrient ones, which tends to boost the vitamin and mineral content of many supplements. The hydroponic nutrient foods are grown in stainless steel vats (PVC and other plastics do not have contact with the grown nutrients)  and are free from pesticides, herbicides, and similar toxins. Because they are grown in a sealed environment, they are not subject to picking up toxins from air pollution like even organically-grown foods are. Here is a link to Food Safety and Quality Compliance from the Grow Company.

In a sense, all plants are hydroponically grown. How you might ask? Because in nature, plants take in minerals and other nutrients in a dissolve and liquefied form. The Grow process does the same thing.

Nearly all companies that do not use hydroponic foods for many vitamins and minerals, instead use USP isolated synthetic vitamins or industrially-processed rocks (called mineral salts) for their Supplement Fact claims. We are convinced that high-nutrient hydroponically-grown foods are vastly superior to USP vitamins.

To read more on the science that backs that up, see Natural Vitamins May Be Superior to Synthetic Ones.

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Diabetes: Types I and II

In the United States, the incidence of diabetes in adults rose by 33% from 1990 to 1998 and still appears to be on the rise.  Obesity is considered one of the major risk factors for diabetes, but that may be more due to dietary choices.

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