Medi-Herb to Food Research Product Equivalents


No two products are identical if made by different manufacturers and some are more “equivalent” than others. Unlike Nutri-West, Food Research products, for example, do not contain any isolated USP vitamins nor industrial mineral salt ‘nutrients.’ Also, Standard Process Laboratories sometimes uses porcine glandulars, USP vitamins, claimed mineral salts, and/or colors, whereas none of these are in Food Research International products. 

Other Product Equivalents

Medi-Herb (*)

Food Research International

Food Research Int’l Vegetarian

Adrenal Complex Vegetarian Adrenal Vegetarian Adrenal
Albizia Complex Aller-Lung Support Aller-Lung Support
AllergCo Aller-Lung Support Aller-Lung Support
Artemisinin Complex Para-Dysbio-Zyme Para-Dysbio-Zyme
Astragalus Complex Herbal Antioxidant Herbal Antioxidant
Bacopa Complex Serious Brain Enhancer Vegetarian Tyrosine
Berberine Complex Gluco-Sugar-Balance Gluco-Sugar-Balance
Bilberry Complete Eye Health Herbal Antioxidant
Bone Complex Cal-Mag Complex Cal-Mag Complex
Boswellia Complex Turmeric-Boswellia C Turmeric-Boswellia C
Broncafect Intracellular Cough Aller-Lung Support
Burdock Complex Para-Dysbio-Zyme Para-Dysbio-Zyme
Capsella Complex Phytosynergist® Vegetarian Thyro, plus Simply Uterus Vegetarian Thyro, plus Magnesium Complex
Cat’s Claw Forte Aller-Lung Support Aller-Lung Support or Green Vegetable Alkalizer
Chaste Tree Le Feminine Advantage Vegetarian Thyro
ChelaCo Detox-N-Cleanse Detox-N-Cleanse
Colax GB Support Green Vegetable Alkalizer
Coleus Forte Metabolic Thyro Vegetarian Thyro
Cramplex Simply Thyroid Magnesium Complex
Cranberry Complex Arginase Bladder Vira-Bac-YST
DermaCo Liva DeTox & Support Detox-N-Cleanse
DiGest Forte Digesti-Pan Pro-Enzymes
DiGest Phytosynergist® Digesti-Pan Pro-Enzymes
Echinacea Premium Conga-Immune Vira-Bac-YST, plus Zinc Complex
Eleuthero Anxie-Tone Vegetarian Tryptophan
Evening Primrose Oil Le Feminine Advantage Wheat Germ Oil E
Fe-Max Iron Tonic Phytosynergist® Hematic Formula Hematic Formula
FemCo Le Feminine Advantage Libida-Life
Ganoderma & Shiitake Conga-Immune Vira-Bac-YST, plus Zinc Complex
Garlic Forte Cholester-Right Cholester-Right
Ginkgo Forte Serious Brain Enhancer Vegetarian Tyrosine
Golden Seal Thymo-Immune Aller-Lung Support
Gotu Kola Complex Advanced Joint Complex Libida-Life
Gut Flora Complex Probio-Zyme-YST Probio-Zyme-YST
Gymnema Gluco-Sugar-Balance Gluco-Sugar-Balance
Hawthorn Co-Q10 Cardio Co-Q10 Cardio
Herbal Throat Spray Phytosynergist® Conga-Immune Aller-Lung Support and Zinc Complex
HerbaVital Herbal Antioxidant or Libida-Life Herbal Antioxidant or Libida-Life
HiPep Digesti-Pan Pro-Enzymes
Kava Forte Restful Mind Support Vegetarian Tryptophan
LivCo Liva DeTox & Support Pro-Enzymes, plus Green Vegetable Alkalizer
Livton Complex Liva DeTox & Support Pro-Enzymes, plus Green Vegetable Alkalizer
Metabol Complex Gluco-Sugar-Balance Gluco-Sugar-Balance
Milk Thistle Forte Liva Detox & Support Herbal Antioxidant or Detox-N-Cleanse
Myrrh Forte Vira-Bac-YST Vira-Bac-YST
Nervagenic Anxie-Tone or Nerve Chex B Vegetarian Tryptophan
Nevaton Anxie-Tone or Restful Mind Support Vegetarian Tryptophan
ProstaCo Prosta-Power Libida-Life
PulmaCo Aller-Lung Support or Simply Lung Aller-Lung Support
ResCo Intracellular Cough or Aller-Lung Support Aller-Lung Support
ResCo Phytosynergist® Intracellular Cough or Aller-Lung Support Aller-Lung Support
Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex High Stress Adrenal Vegetarian Adrenal
Rhodiola & Schisandra Anxie-Tone Vegetarian Tryptophan
Saligesic Inflam-Enzymes Inflam-Enzymes
Sinus Forte Aller-Lung Support, plus Simply Liver Aller-Lung Support
St. John’s Wort Serious Brain Enhancer Vegetarian Tyrosine, Vegetarian Tryptophan
Thyroid Complex Metabolic Thyro or Migratrol Vegetarian Thyro
Tribulus Prosta-Power or Simply Orchic Libida-Life
Turmeric Forte Turmeric-Boswellia C Turmeric-Boswellia C
UriCo Phytosynergist® Arginase Bladder Vira-Bac-YST
Valerian Complex Anxie-Tone or Restful Mind Support Vegetarian Tryptophan
Vascular Care Complex Metabolic Thyro Herbal Antioxidant
Viranon Vira-Bac-YST Vira-Bac-YST
Vitanox Herbal Antioxidant Herbal Antioxidant
Wild Yam Complex Le Feminine Advantage Libida-Life
Withania Complex Anxie-Tone or Restful Mind Support Vegetarian Tryptophan
Wormwood Complex Para-Dysbio-Zyme Para-Dysbio-Zyme
(*) Most of the product names are trademarks of the respective companies. ** Product contains 4x more wheat germ oil per capsule than SP’s version.

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The TRUTH About GLANDULARS In Nutritional Supplements

Some natural health products contain glandular ingredients and many doctors have used glandulars for years with great success.  Glandular organs, such as heart, aorta, and liver, have been a food source in the human diet for centuries. The consumption of glandulars is believed to provide nutritional support to the corresponding gland in the human body. Glandular organs contain food vitamins and minerals and were often used in the past to supply various nutrients.

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